Robert Scammell |
It is with a sad heart that I have to write in this space the passing of one Robert (Bob) Harry Scammell. Bob passed away on November 24, 2016 and all of us that followed his writings will sorely miss him. Bob was a true advocate for everything fish and wildlife related, a true friend to Alberta’s outdoorsmen and women, and his loss is a huge blow to our outdoors community.
You can read an excellent column by Neil Waugh (Battle for One Man’s Land) on page 30 that speaks volumes about Bob and his passion for the outdoors.
Rest in peace Bob.
Hunting On Undeveloped Road Allowances
In Alberta, road allowances are located in a north-south direction between all sections of land, and in an east-west direction every other section. Meaning, there is a township road every two miles and range roads at one-mile intervals province wide. Road allowances are public property owned by the province that have been set aside for future road development. Road allowances are 20 metres (66 feet) wide and most of them are undeveloped (URA’s).
Section 51 of the Wildlife Act allows hunting on URA’s and because of this, hunters often utilize them. Sometimes to access other areas of Crown land available to them or in the case of bird hunters, to walk URA’s in the pursuit of grouse or pheasants. However, according to landowner Terry Raymond, a hunter himself, there is much more going on than just access and/or bird hunting on URA’s.
At a recent Alberta Game Policy Advisory Council (AGPAC) meeting, Raymond gave a presentation titled, “Hunting on Undeveloped Road Allowances Without Permission to Hunt Adjacent Private Land.” Apparently, some hunters are hunting and shooting big game along these 20-metre parcels of Crown land using rifle or bow and arrow, which, according to the Wildlife Act is legal. The problem is, not all animals drop dead in their tracks; in fact, most do not. Rather, they expire on occupied (private) land adjacent to the 20-metre URA, which leads to trespass and hunting on occupied lands without permission to recover the animal. Something that doesn’t sit too well with landowners.
Often, fences are cut in the retrieval process or Fish and Wildlife officers are called to the scene if permission is denied to the hunter to retrieve his game. Hunters feel they can be charged if they abandon the animal or allow the meat of an animal to spoil, which is clearly stated in the hunting regulations.
However, contrary to what some might believe, landowners do not have to allow hunters access to retrieve a dead or wounded animal. According to Raymond, on his land, “the animal will be left to feed the coyotes.”
“This is not about denying access on undeveloped road allowances,” said Raymond quite emphatically. “This is not about hunting bird game. This is about something that is unethical and wrong.”
Raymond went on to say that in his area of Rocky View County, many landowners have simply given up and are no longer allowing hunting access, period. “Landowner/hunter relations are being eroded to the point where pretty soon, there will be nowhere left for hunters,” said Raymond. “I don’t want to see that. I’m a diehard hunter myself. But something has to be done.”
Exactly what Raymond would like to see is a change to the Wildlife Act that states, “It is unlawful to discharge a weapon while hunting Big Game on or from an undeveloped road allowance unless the person hunting has authority to hunt on adjacent land(s).” He also wants to see a $1000 fine for anybody so inclined to dismiss the new law.
Several at the AGPAC table felt that the issue was more of a trespass issue than it was a regulations issue. Others felt that Raymond’s concern was legitimate and that hunting a 20-metre wide parcel of land for big game wasn’t the wisest way to hunt. Regardless, Raymond has garnered the support of many large landowners including Rocky View County, Mountain View County, and the Improvement District of Bighorn No. 8. Changes may be coming. Stay tuned. ■
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