A member of the tenth generation of Frigon’s (circa 1656), young Pierre came from a long lineage of hunters. As a matter of fact, Pierre and his father Marcel are the only two generations to enjoy hunting as a sport since all previous generations were required to hunt for subsistence to feed their very large families.
To satisfy their love for the outdoors, Pierre’s extended family - some 110 members - leased a large section of crown land in Northern Quebec (10 square miles - 22 lakes) from the Quebec provincial government from 1961 until 1979. The private & restricted access to this wild and remote section of Quebec’s portion of the Great Canadian shield provided unsurpassed opportunities for hunting and fishing. Lakes abounded with eastern brook trout and northern pike, while healthy big game populations consisted mainly of black bears and very large moose. Indeed, the perfect place for young Pierre to learn to fish and hunt from his experienced father.
At the age of 12, Pierre was finally permitted to join his father on northern isolated moose hunt and was provided with the opportunity to harvest his first northern bull moose at the age of 15. Observing his Dad Marcel utilizing moose hunting skills acquired over three centuries, Pierre fell in love with the art of luring in big bull moose. The stage was set! Hunting big bull moose was woven into his fabric forever!
With his education completed, Pierre moved to Alberta in April of 1975 for what was to be a summer job with the Jasper Park Lodge, then a CN hotel. The appeal of Jasper National Park and the quaint community of Jasper changed Pierre’s life forever as he never returned to his native Quebec. The booming economy, varied landscape and above all, the variety of big game cemented Pierre’s wish to make Alberta his new found home.
Pierre met his wife Ginette in 1979 and the two were married in 1985 in Ginette’s hometown of St Louis de Kent in New Brunswick. Pierre and Ginette are now proud parents of three beautiful daughters – Melanie, Stephanie and Josée.
Hunting Alberta since 1980, Pierre has had the wonderful opportunity to seek most big game species, but his love for moose has prevailed and remains so to this day. |
Gord Trenholm (aka Big Bull on the Alberta Outdoorsmen forum) grew up hunting and fishing the woods and waters around Kentville, Nova Scotia. In 1981, after his first year of studying for a computer science degree at Acadia University, he headed west for a summer job at Jasper Park Lodge. Twenty-six years later, he still lives in Jasper with his wife Trish and dog Fitz.
Gord spends his time skiing, golfing, fishing, hunting and cooking wild game. Gord worked in the hotels and bars of Jasper for twenty-five years but can now be found grooming the ski runs up at Marmot Basin in the winter months, and photographing whitewater rafters and wildlife until hunting season begins in the fall. Once the ice comes off Maligne Lake in the spring, he can be found there, fishing for fat brookies and rainbows in his handcrafted cedar strip freighter canoe, the Rainbow Warrior. He's not sure what he wants to do when he grows up!
Pierre Frigon introduced Gord to big game hunting in Alberta and within five minutes of their first hunt together, Gord had fired at his first Alberta whitetail. Although he never connected with that deer, he has hunted that same area in the foothills extensively ever since, taking mulies, whitetail, moose and bear just an hours drive away from Jasper. Now, every September, Gord and Pierre head north for a two-week fly-in moose hunting and fishing trip to their own secret lake.
Once the moose hunt is over, Gord turns his sights on those big mulies and whitetails that frequent his favourite hunting area. If you ever run into him in the bush, he will undoubtedly have his video camera with him, hoping to catch the next thrill that Mother Nature has to offer so he can share his experiences with others.
Gord is currently working on a moose hunting DVD that is a compilation of many years of hunting in northern British Columbia and Alberta. |
I live in Alberta. I've been married forever. We have three kids; two girls and a boy. My wife 'Yes Dear' does not hunt or fish. She paints mud (ceramics). I don't touch her mud, and she don't touch my guns. Works for me.
My resume says that I am Jim Renaud, guide/outfitter. Do not be fooled by that. I am really Redfrog, coyote nemesis.
Contrary to popular belief, coyotes are not part of the food chain. They are part of a conspiracy to get my sorry butt dragged all over the countryside at ungodly hours and in any kind of weather. Predator hunting is not a matter of life or death, it's much more important than that. Oh, I could quit any time, no really, I'm not addicted. I've just decided that I'll wait until I'm dead to quit.
I've hunted for over 50 years. I feel sometimes that I was born hunting. I started using firearms as a teenager, but I used anything available before that. Now I make a living doing the thing that has been a lifelong passion. I have hunted across Canada and in the U.S. and I’ve even spent time in Africa calling predators.
I don't think there is a type of hunting that I don't enjoy. I hunt birds with my dogs. I've hunted rabbits, coons and bears with hounds. I've climbed to what seemed to be the top of the world for sheep and goats. I've hunted on snowshoes in 5-feet of snow for moose. Nothing compares to lying on the prairie with hand calls, having 3 or 4 coyotes come from a mile away on the dead run, only to realize their error when they are 30 yards away. Yep, I could do this all day.
I've been a firearms/hunter safety instructor since 1974. It's been almost as much fun as the hunting. Getting new people into the sport is vital if we're to continue hunting. Our sport is under attack daily. We must get involved through gun clubs and lobby groups. If we don't hang together, we shall surely all hang separately. It doesn't matter where we call home; we're all under attack as a family. We had better look after each other.
Redfrog |