Much of the success of the Alberta Outdoorsmen comes from our talented outdoor writers. Each of our writers lives and works in Alberta so their knowledge of this province and its outdoor resources is first-hand.
Following is a short biography on each of our regular columnists. |
Brian Bildson has spent his entire life exploring Canada's wilderness. He was raised in the Northwest Territories where hunting, fishing and trapping were a natural part of his life.
After moving to Alberta in the 80's, Brian began trapping along the Kakwa River and can now be found running his trapline in the Willmore Wilderness Park.
When not trapping Brian can be found at his back country lodge on the edge of the Willmore. Visit www.sheepcreek.net for a look at this beautiful piece of Alberta. |
Brad Fenson is an avid outdoorsman who enjoys hunting, fishing and unique adventures. His passion for the outdoors pushes him into the field for approximately 100 days or more each year. He has traveled across North America hunting and fishing along the trail and collecting incredible photographs and story ideas from unique locations.
Brad has been hunting since he was four years old, when his dad used to take him along on excursions in western Canada. Since those early days his love for the outdoors has grown into new challenges to find quality outdoor experiences. Brad likes to hunt with a bow and arrow, muzzleloader, shotgun and center-fire rifle for a wide variety of Alberta game. He pursues his passion for fishing just as hard as hunting and holds a special place for the days when he can include his family. |
Duane was born in Blairmore, Alberta in the Crowsnest Pass, and grew up in Bellevue where he started hunting and fishing at an early age. He went to grade school in the Crowsnest Pass, and completed high school in Calgary. Duane attended the University of Calgary and the University of Manitoba where he completed his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in zoology and biology. He has been certified as a Fisheries Scientist by the American Fisheries Society. He worked as a Regional Fisheries Biologist, Regional Director and Fisheries Director for the Alberta Fish and Wildlife Division. He is a recipient of the Order of the Bighorn Award - Alberta's highest award for fish and wildlife conservation.
Duane currently resides in Edmonton where he works as a free lance writer and photographer. He writes for various magazines in Canada and the United States. He’s an award-winning member of the Outdoor Writers of Canada. He shoots photos for Lone Pine Photo, a quality Canadian stock photo agency in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. He’s a member of the Alberta Fish and Game Association and the Edmonton Trout Fishing Club. He is a Honourary Life Member of the Great Plains Fishery Workers Association. Duane is a field editor for The Canadian Fly Fisher magazine, and an Alberta Outdoorsmen magazine columnist. Be sure to purchase his award winning cookbook: Fish and Wild Game Recipes – From the Field to the Table. He co-authored the award winning book Conservation Pride and Passion with fellow columnist Don Meredith. |
Duane was born in Calgary, now lives in Edmonton and has lived in Alberta all his life. His day job is in the tire industry and much of his spare time is spent in the bush or on a lake with camera and/or gun in hand. He hunts most everything but especially enjoys November deer hunting. Interested in nature and photography as long has he can remember, he has combined the two into a hobby and sideline as a nature photographer.
Over the last 15 years Duane's images have been used throughout Canada and the US in Outdoor, Nature, Train and Farming magazines. His photos have also been used in calendars, brochures, websites etc. Duane also sells canvas and paper prints of his favorite images and is represented by Quebec Stock Images stock agency. www.drosenkranzphotography.com |
Spike Camp Musings' Columnist, T.J. Schwanky is one of Canada's most prolific outdoor writers. Additionally, he is a regular seminar speaker at sportsmen's shows across North America and he is host of Thompson/Center's Outdoor Quest on the Men's Channel in the U.S.A. and Wild TV in Canada.
A self-confessed walleye addict, T.J. also admits to being a closet fly-fisherman and rates Alberta's Ram River as his favourite destination. He spends a great deal of his time in the high basins of the Rocky Mountains in search of bighorn sheep and is the holder of several Longhunter Society Records for big game harvested with a muzzleloader. There is no place he'd rather spend his days than in Alberta's great outdoors.
Visit www.theoutdoorquest.com Official Website. |
Born in Brantford ON, I have lived in a variety of places in both Canada and the USA. While living in Newfoundland in the mid 1970’s, I learned to fly fish and tie flies as that was the only legal method of fishing in most nearby streams and rivers. What began as a simple hobby has become a lifelong addiction now spanning 35 years.
I served in the Canadian Forces for 26+ years as a Medical Technician across Canada with several postings in Alberta. In 2000, I returned to Alberta and retired here in 2006 from the Canadian Forces. I am an avid outdoorsman who prefers to fly fish with my own flies in smaller creeks and streams. I try to keep my fly fishing and fly tying from being taken too seriously, yet still respect the traditions attached to it. As well, I enjoy hunting big game, upland game and waterfowl. My wife and I and our family reside in and around Redcliff AB as I pursue a career in the outdoors.
I am a member of the Outdoor Writers of Canada, Rocky Mountain Outdoor Writers and Photographers, AFGA, AHEIA and Delta Waterfowl. |
Sandwiched between being born in Alberta and retiring there, Al Voth pursued a law enforcement career that covered much of western Canada. His life-long interest in hunting and firearms was reflected in that career, as he spent the early portion working on an Emergency Response Team and the latter half as a firearms examiner in a forensic laboratory. With retirement now upon him, he works as a private consultant in the forensic field.
Al calls himself a “student of the gun” and loves to shoot, study and tinker with firearms. Although he has hunted big game in Alberta and BC, these days you’re more likely to find him hunting varmints and predators or participating in shooting competitions.
Many years ago those accumulated interests and experiences inspired him to start writing about them and have resulted in numerous articles for outdoor magazines in Canada and the USA. Additionally, he is the author of two novels, one of which is a Canadian best seller. You can usually find what he’s working on next by visiting his blog: www.coyoteschool.blogspot.com |
Neil Waugh brings over 25 years of political and outdoors writing to Alberta Outdoorsmen. As well as being the Edmonton Sun’s provincial affairs columnist for over a decade he also contributes his weekly Out There column to the publication.
His Covers and Riffles column brings an outdoors perspective to the political activities under the Dome.
Neil was literally born with a flyrod in his hands and raised in the West Country both on the Coal Branch and later Drayton Valley. He received his education at the University of Alberta.
A recipient of several Outdoor Writers of Canada communications awards both for writing and photography, Neil has a passion for Alberta’s lakes, rivers and wild places.
When not covering the legislature, Neil can usually be found up a foothills trout stream or in ruffed grouse cover with his yellow Lab Ginger. |
Tips for the Outdoorsman Columnist, Kevin Wilson is an award-winning outdoor writer. An avid sportsman, Kevin lives the outdoor lifestyle as a professional outfitter and big game/bird game guide in Alberta (see venturenorthoutfitting.com).
With a passion for hunting bighorn sheep, trophy whitetails, and waterfowl, he’s taken several record-book specimens with bow-and-arrow. Although a committed bowhunter, Kevin enjoys all outdoor pursuits from fly-fishing to ice-fishing, freshwater and saltwater angling, as well as hunting with muzzleloader, shotgun and centerfire rifle. He’s fished and hunted across North America taking many different species from the exotic such as caribou, grizzly bear, and sheep to wild turkeys. |