Questions regarding regulations and legal issues will not be answered here.
Questions regarding legal issues should be directed to Fish and Wildlife at:
Information Centre ........ 780-944-0313
Toll Free ..................... 1-877-944-0313
E-mail .............. esrd.info-centre@gov.ab.ca
Fish and Wildlife
Head Office Mailing Address
Fish and Wildlife
Great West Life Building
9920 - 108 Street, Edmonton, Alberta
T5K 2M4
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I have tags for whitetail. Where is a good place to go near Edmonton. I have tried WMU439 and it is no good. Can you advise me? WMUs I have are 300, 400 and 500 series.
- Khalid, Edmonton
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Hi Khalid,
Check out the Alberta Conservation Association Discovery Guide. It lists loads of great properties to hunt in your area.
Good luck,
I'm a fairly new hunter and I've been out to wmu 417 to hunt deer and grouse but was not successful. In fact, I didn't see a single grouse and just a few does on the road. I'm wondering if you have any tips or areas for that area and for all the sorrunding areas (420,326,328,316)? Also what would be a good area (crown land) within a few hours drive of Calgary that would offer general whitetail and grouse hunting?
- Ed, Calgary
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Hi Ed,
I’ve always enjoyed hunting WMU412 for deer and grouse.
Good luck,
My son and I are looking for a good Ruffed Grouse hunting spot. I hear the Mountain WMU'S south of Calgary are a good spot, but I'm not sure where that is. Can you help me to locate this area?
- Bert, Calgary
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Hi Bert,
The mountain WMUs south of Calgary would be WMUs 404, 402 and 400. A good start would be to take a drive down the Forestry Trunk Road (Highway 940) There are loads of great side trails to walk off of here and you should find plenty of ruffed grouse.
Good luck,
I see a past reference to Skinner peep sights. It seems that people have been able to procure them. I have a Henry rimfire for which these sights would be ideal (Williams firesights would be a lesser option). Any idea where I could source them?
- David, Calgary
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Hi David,
Yes Skinner Sights are a great sight. I’d suggest you contact the folks at Skinner directly and I’m sure they can help you out. http://www.skinnersights.com
Many people here ask about crown land for shooting and get the same answer-"Go and shoot at the range", What about actual crown land, not range shooting? Any reasonable maps, this info looks like very hidden. Even police and government are either hiding this info or they don't know it well. Do you know?
- Andre, Leduc
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The biggest issue is that there are such a variety of rules surrounding shooting on Crown land that there is no single answer and there is no database of crown land where shooting is permitted. Shooting on crown land is permitted in some areas and not in others and I know in the region west of Calgary for example, much of the crown land shooting has been shut down because too many people were doing it and too many were doing it irresponsibly. If you are set on avoiding the range, the best advice I can offer is to check out the county maps, available in each county, for crown land or you can also look at http://aep.alberta.ca/recreation-public-use/recreation-on-public-land/public-land-use-zones/ That link breaks down Alberta’s Public Land Use Zones into regions and lists firearm restrictions.
First elk hunt this year and was awarded a 6 point or larger in wmu 406. This is my dream hunt but as the area wasn't my first choice, I'm lost without even getting started . Any tips on where to start is the enormous zone or anyone I could come in to contact with about hunting on private land?
Jeff, Calgary
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Hi Jeff,
I’d suggest starting on the south east side of the zone. There is virtually no private property in the zone and there is very limited vehicle access so your best bet is to get out and burn some boot leather hiking. Elk are not widely distributed throughout the zone but there are good pockets of elk. It’s a challenging WMU to hunt without horses but it can be done. Just make sure you are ready to backpack an elk out or at the very least have a game cart to help you out.
Good luck,
I hunted in Alberta for most of my younger life. I haven't had a licence for likely 20 years and now want to hunt with my son in law. I have my FAC. Do I need to do anything special to get my Wildlife Identification Number.
I had hunting licences before.
- Cam, Calgary
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Hi Cam,
That’s great that you are getting back into hunting. The first thing I’d recommend that you do is give the hunting regulation a thorough read as all of your questions are answered in there. They can be found at http://albertaregulations.ca/huntingregs/
But to specifically answer your question, this is directly from the regs:
WIN Card
Hunters and anglers in Alberta must possess a 10-digit Wildlife Identification Number (WIN) to apply for draws, purchase wildlife certificates, licences and replacements. The cost is $8.00 plus GST and is valid for five years; renewal fee is also $8.00.
If purchasing at an Issuer please bring your WIN Card. Please keep your information up to date; address changes can be made online or at an issuer.
Wildlife Certificate
Hunters must possess a valid Wildlife Certificate and the applicable hunting licence to hunt big game or game birds. Licences and applicable tags must be carried on their person while hunting. A Wildlife Certificate is not required to apply on the hunting draws.
Licensing requirements for first-time hunters
NOTE: Effective (2014) all new first-time hunters who have qualified for obtaining recreational hunting licences by successfully completing the Alberta Conservation and Hunter education course, will be required to provide on their WIN application form, their hunter certificate number that is issued to each course graduate, in order to be eligible to purchase a hunting licence.
A first-time hunter is a hunter who 1) has not previously held a hunting licence in Alberta or elsewhere, or 2) has not prior to April 1, 2010, met Alberta first-time hunter criteria, or 3) has not successfully completed a hunter education course in Alberta or elsewhere.
Non-resident and non-resident alien hunters (12 years of age or older) are exempt from the first-time hunter eligibility requirement if they are accompanied by a Hunter Host or a Designated Guide while hunting in Alberta.
Youth first-time hunters must be at least 12 years old to hunt under the authority of any hunting licence in Alberta. All hunters under the age of 16 years must have written permission from a parent or guardian to purchase hunting licences. Hunters who are 11 years old may apply in the draws for licences if they meet the above criteria, but they must be 12 years old anytime before or during the open season for that draw. They may not hunt until they are 12 years old. Note: As of 2007, hunters who are 12 or 13 years of age are no longer restricted to hunting big game with only a bow and arrow. To hunt with a firearm, hunters under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent, a legal guardian or by a person 18 years of age or older who has the written permission of the parent or legal guardian. If a youth turns 18 during the hunting season, they can continue to hunt using their valid licence.
If you are interested in taking the Alberta Conservation and Hunter Education course, call the Alberta Hunter Education Instructors’ Association toll-free in Alberta at 1-866-852-4342, Edmonton 780-466-6682, or Calgary 403-252-8474.
It should also be noted that there is no longer an FAC but rather it was replaced with a PAL\POL so you should ensure yours is up to date.
Good luck and hopefully you rediscover your love of hunting this fall.
It appears that there have been quite a few closures of public areas to go skeet shooting. I was wondering if there are any public areas left within Calgary where I am able to skeet shoot with friends (does not include ranges you have to pay).
- Brian, Calgary
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Hi Brian,
The rules regarding where you can discharge firearms on public and private property are just too complex to point out a spot where you could go and I’m unaware of any remaining public areas that are designated for shooting. I’d highly suggest you utilize a certified range. If you do decide to go another route, be certain to check with various levels of government to ensure legality and of course clean up very well after yourself.
Good luck,
Have you heard any rumors about the way fishing draws for walleye in Alberta are being done? The people I fish with are not getting drawn. I have not had a draw for Pigeon Lake in the last 3 years. Friends can't get a draw for Fawcette. I have heard rumors about government interference.
- Steve, Edmonton
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Hi Steve,
As the draw system is all computer generated I doubt there is any large scale corruption going on. In all the years of the draws I’ve only ever heard of one actual computer screw up and it was rectified when the person complained. It’s pretty easy to check and see what priority anglers are being drawn for certain draws and then to check your own priority. Most often when people don’t get drawn and feel they should have, it’s because they made a mistake calculating their own priority. If you have not been drawn in three years at Pigeon there is an issue with your priority as 100% of priority one anglers were drawn last year. http://mywildalberta.com/fishing/walleye-draws/documents/2016-SpecialLicenceWalleyeSummary-Jul2016.pdf
You should likely check your priority at www.albertarelm.com and see what’s going on with your priority. Perhaps your draws were not put in properly?
Good luck,
I'm new to Edmonton and want to practice skeet shooting. Where around the area could I legally discharge a firearm?
- Zach, Edmonton
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Hi Zach,
Here’s a list of the ranges in the Edmonton area.
Have fun shooting,
I'm looking for a good spot to take my young kids fishing from shore. Any thoughts near Calgary would be appreciated.
- Paul, Calgary
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Hi Paul,
Once they stock the ponds in Kananaskis Country there is some good opportunity there, including Mount Lorette Pond. I’ve also heard that Pine Coulee Reservoir is producing well these days.
Good luck,
I live in Calgary and I'm looking for a good spot for hunting rabbits and birds near Calgary. Any leads would be appreciated.
- Aaron, Calgary
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Hi Aaron,
If you head west to the foothills in Kananaskis Country, you should find some great bird and rabbit hunting.
Good luck,
Hello, I am new to the Edmonton area and I am an air rifle hunter who is looking for a legal area to shoot gophers and pigeons. Any idea of any areas would be greatly appreciated. I'm also looking for a guy to take out some pigeons with.
- Jordon, Edmonton
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Hi Jordon,
As both those species are primarily found on private property, your best bet would be to go for a drive on a warm spring day and knock on a few doors to get permission.
Good luck,
I'm looking at purchasing a house with acreage within an hour of Calgary. I'm just wondering what areas would have higher whitetail populations in that area?
- Ryan. Calgary
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Hi Ryan,
I’d say south and west of Calgary has the highest whitetail populations but there are good concentrations to be found in all directions depending on the available food and cover.
Good luck,
Do you know how big brown and rainbow trout get in the bow river? Any idea of the largest ones caught?
- Preston Thirlwall
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Hi Preston,
I’m unaware of any records kept specifically for the Bow River but I personally know of brown trout to 32” and rainbows to 30” and have heard stories of bigger.
I'm looking for some crown land to go do some skeet shooting in Fort McMurray. IHunter AB app doesn't have a county map for sale that I can see. Other links mention tower road around there? Is that info reliable?
- Steven, Fort McMurray
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Hi Steven,
Fort McMurray has an excellent range and I’d highly recommend you join it as it provides a safe and controlled location to shoot all kinds of firearms.
I just completed my hunting course and passed the exam. I am looking for opportunity to join experience hunters in next seasons. Are there any groups which welcome first time inexperienced hunters to start the journey?
- Edmond, Calgary
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Hi Edmond,
I can offer two suggestions for you. The first would be to join the Sarcee Fish and Game Association and attend their meetings and functions. The second would be to join the Alberta Outdoorsmen Forum. There’s a great thread on there about finding a hunting partner.
Good luck,
Hey, I was one of the lucky ones that drawed the Hay-Zama Bison hunt this year. I went up for a couple days recently and looked around the area NE and SE of Zama, saw some old tracks and old activity but I couldn't find anything new? Any tips for me?
- Dan, Alberta
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Hi Dan,
From the successful hunters I’ve spoken with that have hunted there, the best advice is to keep putting the miles on and really concentrate on well sites. If you do find tracks, keep hitting that spot daily as they are likely to come back.
Good luck,
I'm new to Alberta and looking to get out to hunt Elk within the next couple of weeks.
What areas that are still in season would be best in the 3 areas near Calgary? (any others you recommend?)
1. CFB Suffield (are there different rules for Suffield?).
2. (Prairie) WMUs 124, 128, 142, 148, 150.
- Is this area farmland? If so, are there open areas, or a list of farmers who allow hunters on their land?
3. (Foothills) WMUs 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 308, 310.
- Mostly farmland? I see Bob Creek Provincial Park is in WMU 308, is that a good area?
Any suggestions would be great. Appreciate your time.
- Chad, Calgary
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Hi Chad,
I’d suggest you familiarize yourself with the hunting regulations as all of the elk opportunities still open in the areas you’ve listed, require the hunter to draw a special licence. Special licence draws are held in June so you’ll have to wait until next year to apply in the draws.
Hi, me and some buddies are planning a spring black bear hunt. I am just curious, where are some good hunting areas?
- Jake, Red Deer
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Hi Jake,
Black bears are plentiful throughout Alberta but I’ve always enjoyed hunting them in the Fox Creek/Valleyview area.
Good luck,
What's the difference between a supplemental whitetail and a general whitetail?
- Andrew, Alberta
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Hi Andrew,
A supplemental whitetail licence allows you to shoot an additional antlerless whitetail or two in specific WMUs. More details can be found in the hunting regulations. http://albertaregulations.ca/huntingregs/
Good luck,
I'm fairly new to Alberta and very new at hunting... I've actually got 2 related questions:
1) Are there any good areas near Edmonton (1-2 hrs) to hunt grouse? I only really know of Jack Pine and haven't had much luck out there.
2) I'm headed down near Caroline, AB this weekend and thinking of bringing my .22 along just in case there are a few birds about. Any recommendations for places to go?
Also, I wouldn't be opposed to meeting a like-minded individual who has experience hunting grouse in the Edmonton area. Is there a sort of "Plenty of Fish" for hunting?
- Andrew, Edmonton
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Hi Andrew,
The Alberta Conservation Association publishes a great guide to areas open to public hunting. It can be found at: www.albertadiscoverguide.com
There is an excellent ongoing thread on the Alberta Outdoorsmen Messageboard regarding hunters seeking partners. It can be found at: www.outdoorsmenforum.ca/showthread.php?t=38944
Good luck,
I'm looking to find a decent spot to shoot a coyote. I would really like a pelt this year as I have not had many opportunities to down one! Please help with some spots? The closer to south Calgary, the better.
- Brayden, Calgary
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Hi Brayden,
Most of the farm and ranch country surrounding Calgary has good coyote populations. Once deer season is over, go out for a drive with a county map and knock on some doors to get permission.
Good luck,
Hey, I'm new to the Red Deer area and I am wondering where I can go to hunt whitetail? Any suggestions would be awesome.
- Logan, Red Deer
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Hey Logan,
There are loads of conservation properties in your area that offer excellent whitetail hunting. A list of them can be found at: www.albertadiscoverguide.com
Good luck,
I'm new to hunting and missed draws for the second year. I'm looking for a good spot for mule, whitetail and elk.
Harold (316) is the only place I see with all 3 as a general at the same time. I think it's the only spot I have seen mule deer with a general. Is there a better place with less traffic that has all 3 or atleast mulie and 1 other.
- Will, Calgary
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Hey Will,
The best spot to go hunting is pretty subjective and often comes down to obtaining permission. I’d suggest focusing on one area and taking the time to learn it and taking the time to acquire some permission.
Good luck,
I have a Parker Hale 30.06 that I have used for many years and have been quite successful. It seems to be a bit off now and I want to replace it. Some have suggested a Sako 85 270 with scope to go the 400 yards I have experienced of late with some elk. I shoot mostly deer and moose but the elk have been a bit of fun after 40 years of just getting some meat in the freezer. Can you suggest a rifle and scope good at 400 yards with maybe a range finder in the scope? I like bolt actions and the stock with an inside pad. It will probably be my last major hunting expense so I expect maybe $2K or something.
- Robert, Grande Prairie
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Hi Robert,
Personally, I would avoid the range-finding scope and buy a separate rangefinder. I find the rangefinding scopes bulky and awkward to use. If the 30-06 has served you well, why not get another one? It’s a tremendously versatile cartridge and more than adequate to 500 yards. I’d suggest shouldering a few different rifles to see what feels best but with the $2,000 price tag in mind, I’d check out the Tikka T3 or Winchester M70. Top that off with a Zeiss HD5 3-15x42 with Rapid Z 600 scope and you’d be set for longer ranges.
Good luck,
Just wondering what zones and areas I'm able to purchase a general 3 poiint or larger elk tag?
- Dwayne, Stettler
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Hi Dwayne,
Your best bet would be to check out these opportunities in the Hunting regulations. They can be found at http://albertaregulations.ca/huntingregs
Good luck,
Hey I'm new to shooting. Just got my first gun a couple days ago and I have nowhere to shoot. Just curious as to where is some crown land close to the city where I can fire off a box of shells? And also, what kind of documentation is needed to be shooting on crown land? Either near the city or Red Water/Fort Saskatchewan area, I just want to go shoot a target.
- Jordan, Edmonton
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Hi Jordan,
I’d highly suggest you join a certified range as the rules regarding shooting on crown land vary widely.
Good luck,
I am new to the area, have passed the hunter safety course, as well as passed firearms safety. I am looking for someone that knows some areas for elk and deer and wouldn't mind taking on a new hunter. I have been using a compound bow and am good to 40 yards accuratley and consistently.
- John, Calgary
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Hi John,
I’d suggest you join the Alberta Outdoorsmen Mesageboard. There’s a great thread there about people looking for hunting partners. http://www.outdoorsmenforum.ca
Good luck,
I was wondering if you could recommend a place near Edmonton where I can shoot rabbits?
- Dominic, Edmonton
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Hi Dominic,
I don’t personally know of anywhere but the ACA’s Discover Guide is a great resource http://www.albertadiscoverguide.com
Good luck,
Is there somewhere online where I can look to find out moose populations in the various hunting zones in Alberta? As well, I had heard that the populations in some areas were hit hard with winter ticks this year. Is there somewhere to confirm this information?
- Gerry, Calgary
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Hi Gerry,
Since AEP took over aerial surveys from ACA, the population data isn’t as readily accessible. Your best bet is to talk with the regional biologist in each region you are interested in. They should have a good idea on ticks as well. http://aep.alberta.ca/about-us/contact-us/fish-and-wildlife-area-office-contacts.aspx
Good luck,
Hello! I am relatively new to hunting (had a great successful first season), and am now looking in to a more serious pursuit. Starting out, there is a lot of gear I do not have, and like most, a lot of money I do not have. So would you have suggestions yourself, or ideas on where to look for a good prioritization of gear? What items should I buy before others and what ones deserve the most cost? I have an interest in doing some backcountry pack-in Elk hunting. I have a plenty of experience in backcountry multi-day travel so that is not the issue, just the hunting specific gear...pack frame, range finder, binoculars, spotting scope, calls. I have a rifle and a Sitka cloudburst jacket, and lots of other none-hunting specific camping gear (internal from pack, stove, sleep system, etc.) I could use....anyway, any help is appreciated!
- Abe, Linden
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Hi Abe,
Here’s a list of what I consider the essentials for hitting the mountains here in Alberta. http://outdoorquestblog.blogspot.ca/2013/07/backpack-gear-list.html
I have heard there are wild hogs stemming from captive game hunts in Alberta, both in the south and up in areas around Edmonton. However, I have had very little success finding any more information than that. There is no licensing information for them, so is it legal to hunt them? And would you have any more leads or suggestions on where to go and how to go about it? Thanks!
- Abe, Linden
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Hi Abe,
There’s been several threads on this exact subject on the Alberta Outdoorsmen Forum. There’s little question that finding these wild boars is challenging but I’m sure you’ll find some helpful information there.
Good luck,
Hi, I'm located in Edmonton and looking for a hunting partner. Passionate 32 year old hunter, non-smoker and non-dinker in good physical condition. I will hunt in the mountains this year for elk around RMH.
- Ivan, Edmonton
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Hi Ivan,
Check out the Alberta Outdoorsmen Forum at
There is a great thread there about finding hunting partners and another good bet would be to become involved with a local Fish and Game club.
Good luck,
I am new to archery and have never hunted anything other than coyotes and other pests. I am hoping to bag my first mule deer with a recurve this fall. I am looking for someone with experience who can help me get my bow set up and tuned adequately and maybe give me some tips on gear.
- Seth, Linden
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Hi Seth,
It sounds like a visit to a knowledgeable technician is in order. The folks at Calgary Archery Centre are extremely knowledgeable about recurves and I’d highly recommend giving them a visit.
Good luck,
So if there is a roost pond a 1/3 of a mile away from an oat field that geese have been feeding on, If we shoot the first few singles that come into our spread on the field, will the rest of the geese on the roost pond hear the shots and not come to us?
- Caden, MN
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Hi Caden,
I asked my buddy and professional waterfowl outfitter, Claudio Ongaro, to help me out with this question and he said, “Yes ... If they are Canada's ... They will simply slip out the back and go elsewhere. We rarely hunt geese inside of a full mile.” I will bow to Claudio’s expertise on this one.
Good luck,
Is there any public land near Calgary where I can hunt rabbits? I'm new to hunting and would like to start small and was told rabbits are good for beginners. Any help would be much appreciated.
- Denver, Calgary
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Hey Denver,
You may want to head out to the Forestry west of Calgary and do some scouting. There’s typically lots of rabbits/hares out there, especially adjacent to areas with lots of willow.
Good luck,
For the beginners, are budget rifles such as Savage AXIS II XP, Mossberg Patriot, Ruger American and Remington 783 worth it to buy for hunting?
If yes, please indicate which mark?
If no, what is your suggestion?
- Saeid, Calgary
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Hi Saeid,
The quality of today’s budget rifles is actually amazingly good and for those just getting into hunting or those on a budget, they are a great option. I’d avoid the combo packages that include a scope, however, as the scopes are typically quite poor quality. Buy a scope separately and you’ll be much better off. All of the rifles you listed are good options. I’d go to the store and shoulder all of them and see how they feel and how they fit and make your decision from there.
Good luck,
What calibre rifle would you suggest for hunting coyotes and other predators? Where would I find out who buys coyotes?
I really want to get a badger. Do you have any suggestions?
- Rory, Calgary
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Hi Rory,
I’m a big fan of the .223 for coyotes but a 22-250, 204, 243 and a host of others are good choices as well. I’m not certain about coyote buyers but you could check with a few of the local Hutterite Colonies.
Badgers are most common in the extreme southern part of the province. They are relatively easy to find after a fresh snow as their fresh diggings are a giveaway that they are in the area. Go for a drive one day after a fresh snow, knock on a few doors for permission and you should be able to find a badger.
Good luck,
I have some experience hunting. I have general elk and whitetail tags. I am looking for a hunting partner that's safe and not into partying. I have my own gear, I just need someone with some more experience and a love for the outdoors.
- Rodney, Fort Saskatchewan
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Hi Rodney,
I’d suggest you join a local Fish and Game Club ( http://www.afga.org/clubs-and-zones.html ) and you can meet some like-minded people there and I’d also suggest joining the Alberta Outdoorsmen messageboard. There’s an excellent thread there about people looking for hunting partners. http://www.outdoorsmenforum.ca
Good luck,
I inherited a Sako in 222 Remington magnum. I know Remington no longer produces this round... what are my options here?
- JD, Ontario
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Hi JD,
While the .222 Remington Magnum is gone, it’s certainly not dead. I believe Nosler still loads for it and you can still obtain brass and dies so reloading is likely your best option. Elwood Epps still shows that it stocks both brass and factory loaded ammo for the .222 Remington Magnum.
Give them a shout:
As a side note, Ruger’s very successful .204 is based on the .222 Remington Magnum case.
Good luck,
Is it legal to target shoot on private land if you have the owner's permission? I can't seem to find any decisive information about the subject. How can I fin out if there is a sound bylaw etc.? I'm fairly new to target shooting and I don't want to break any laws. I know people that own land close to Millarville so I would appreciate info for that area and also directly west of Calgary.
- David, Calgary
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Hi David,
Casual target shooting is permitted on some private property and not on others. I’d start by contacting the county office to find out their regulations and then of course you need to ensure it is being done safely and not too close to occupied buildings.
Good luck,
Hello, I am looking for somewhere close to Edmonton to hunt ruffed grouse. Any suggestions? Also, any hunting hints for ruffed grouse?
- Scott, Edmonton
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Hi Scott,
I’ve had some good luck north of Whitecourt. Ruffed grouse will typically be found on trails and gravel roads early in the morning as they pick gravel to help aid in digestion.
Good luck,
Where is the best place near lethbridge to hunt whitetails and mulies? My dad moved here from Quebec and wants to hunt. Any ideas would help a lot.
- Jason, Lethbridge
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Hi Jason,
The best whitetail hunting is typically found in agricultural areas on the fringe of good cover. The best bet would be to get out and do some scouting and then knock on some doors to secure permission to hunt. Much of Alberta is limited-entry draw for mule deer so be certain to read the regulations carefully.
Good luck,
I am looking for some back country or some crown land close to Camrose that I can go camping and dirt biking. I do not like camp sites.
Any help is appreciated, Thanks.
- Liz, Calgary
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Hi Liz,
Your best bet for locating crown land is to get a copy of the landowner maps for the counties you are interested in. Some are even available on-line. Here’s the link to the one for Camrose County. https://camrosecounty.civicweb.net/document/1323
I don’t personally know of anywhere you could go but this should be a step in the right direction.
Good luck,
What are the laws with respect to bowhunting within town or city limits in Alberta?
- Ian, Red Deer
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Hi Ian,
There would be no single answer to that question as each city/town sets their own bylaws. I know it’s not permitted in Calgary but you’d need to contact the bylaw office in the town or city you were interested in hunting to see what their policy is.
Good luck,
This year I was lucky enough to draw a tag for the wild buffalo hunt in Alberta but have not been able to find a lot of resources with advice for methods of hunting and the terrain, even age and sex identification. Where can I find more information and do you have any advice to start with? Thanks, also looking for experienced hunters to come along with me on this hunt.
- Jennifer, Calgary
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Hi Jennifer,
Congratulations on drawing a very coveted tag. You should get an information package from the Government at some point soon but you may also want to contact Lyle Fullerton as he is a wealth of info about the hunt. You may also want to join the Alberta Outdoorsmen Messageboard as there’s been some good information there about the hunt in the past. http://www.outdoorsmenforum.ca
I am new to the area and looking for a place to hunt deer. Do you have any suggestions?
- Brian, St. Albert
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Hi Brian,
Check out the ACA Discover Guide. It lists a large number of conservation sites in your area where hunting is permitted. http://www.albertadiscoverguide.com
Good luck,
I have been hunting since I was 10 years old and now I am 49 years old. I just moved to Calgary and I am an expert in shooting and reloading rifles and shotguns. I am looking for a partner who knows the Alberta area for hunting. I have my truck and all the stuff for hunting and camping.
- Elzobidi, Calgary
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Hi Elzobidi,
You should become a member of the Alberta Outdoorsmen Forum at http://www.outdoorsmenforum.ca. There is a great thread in the hunting section about people looking for hunting partners. You may also want to join the Sarcee Fish and Game Association in Calgary and get out to a few of their meeting and meet some like-minded folks. You can check them out at http://sfga.ca.
Good luck,
I am looking for a gun verifier in the Lethbridge area. I am hoping that you will be able to help me with this?
- Linda, Lethbridge
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Hi Linda,
The National Verifiers Network should be able to help you out.
E-mail: verifiers.network@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
Fax: 1-877-699-4928
Telephone: 1 800 731-4000, ext 1052
National Verifiers Network
CFP, Canadian Firearms Registry
Ottawa ON K1A 0R2
Good luck,
My dad is coming from Ontario and we have been looking up all the rules and regs for hunting around the Bashaw area. I cannot find any places to go. Also for hunting deer/ moose, do you wear camo or orange? it is very unclear on what to wear for hunting moose/deer and the best dates to go as well. I'm new to Alberta and everything is so different compared to Ontario.
- Becca, Bashaw
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Hi Becca,
It sounds as though you may benefit from another careful reading of the Alberta Hunting Regulations as all of the answers you seek are in there. Currently, all rifle hunting opportunities for moose in the province are on limited entry draw so unless you are a bow hunter, you will have to wait until next year to apply for moose tags. There are, however, loads of general opportunities for whitetail deer. There are no blaze orange clothing requirements in Alberta save for a few special hunts. Good luck with your hunt.
Can I go goose hunting on Kakut Lake near Grande Prairie, Alberta?
- Andreas, Grande Prairie
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Hi Andreas,
I’m not overly familiar with that site so I’d suggest that you contact Ducks Unlimited as it is managed by them. They can be contacted at...
Tel: 780-489-2002
Fax: 780-489-1856
Toll-free: 1-866-479-3825.
Good luck,
Can I target practice with a rifle on crown land, should I notify anybody such as police, fish & game or can you do what our grand parents did and just shoot in the back 40?
- Chad, Grande Prairie
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Hi Chad,
That is a very complex question with no single answer. Target practice is permitted on some crown land but is not in many other areas, depending on the designation of the land. Your best bet would likely be to discuss the area you are interested in with a Fish and Wildlife or RCMP officer if you are unsure.
Good luck,
I've been shooting on and off for about 5 years now and would love to get out more. I'm looking for an archery friend who would like to get together and go shooting from time to time. I'm curious as to if anyone is interested?
- Victoria, Edmonton
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Hi Victoria,
I’d suggest you join the Alberta Outdoorsmen Forum and put a post up there. I’m sure you’ll meet many like-minded folks there. http://www.outdoorsmenforum.ca
Good luck,
Hello, I live in Calgary and I am looking for a place to do some small game bird hunting (grouse) that is reasonably close. Does anyone have any suggestions?
- Andrew, Calgary
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Hi Andrew,
You could head west to the Sibbald Flats area and walk some of the trails there. There are typically lots of birds in the area.
Good luck,
This is the first year I applied for mule doe draw and got it, but my question is because there's open archery season on mule doe in all 4 zones around me without draw, do I still have to fill my antlerless mule in my draw zone during archery season?
- Ryan, Red Deer
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Hi Ryan,
Draw tags are only valid in the WMU you were drawn for.
Can you shoot at big game while they are in water?
- Thomas, Alberta
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Hi Thomas,
I suggest you familiarize yourself with the hunting regulations as you will find answers to questions like this in them. They can be found at
but the short answer to your question is that it is illegal to shoot at swimming big game.
Once I get my harvest home, do I need to de-bone the meat before throwing it into my freezer? Will it spoil or taint the meat in any way if I leave the bone attached to the meat for a couple of months?
- Andy, Calgary
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Hi Andrew,
on’t ruin anything by leaving the bone in. I do everything boneless for ease of cutting b
You definitely won’t ruin anything by leaving the bone in. I do everything boneless for ease of cutting but if you have a bone saw, there shouldn’t be any issues.
I want to get my bowhunting licence, but I was told you have to take a certain course(s). I was wondering what course(s) exactly?
- Mads, Alberta
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Hi Mads,
There are no specific requirements to obtain your bowhunting certificate other than those that apply to all hunting licences.