by Rob Miskosky
In recent years trail camera's have become the rage among hunters around North America and most likely in many places worldwide. In fact, if you hunt and don't own a trail camera, chances are you are saving up for one. Problem is, once you own one, a second, third, and even fourth isn't too far down the road.
Pretty Boy |
Like an alcoholic, trail camera nuts are addicted to the pursuit of wild animal photos. We are constantly on the lookout for that perfect intersecting trail with just the right tree adjacent to it. We scour our favourite hunting spots and lay awake at night dreaming about that monster buck we just know is going to show up and pose perfectly so we can count all his tines and map out his mass and width. You know the buck I'm talking about - that B&C whitetail we just know lives in our bush!
We spend countless hours pouring over photos, matching this photo to that photo. We record times our photos were taken and we name our deer. Myself and my trail camera partner have deer with colourful names like Don King, Pretty Boy, Big Boy, Lucky Seven, Cyclops, The Castle Buck, and Edward Scissorhorns!
From year to year we carefully examine each photo looking to see who made it through the previous winter and hunting season, and then in complete joy congratulate each other when one of our named deer shows up, like we had something to do with it. And we are constantly on the lookout for new deer who have suddenly entered our hunting area and we're always on the phone with each other after every check.
Our wives think we're nuts but then quickly gather around the computer to see the latest calf or fawn photos. Bears always seem to get a lot of attention from the wives as well, but moose are ugly (unless they're calves) and big bucks just don't seem to get their excitement up either. I'm not sure we'll ever figure out women!
I currently run five Treebark digital cameras and highly doubt I'll stop there. No matter where you hunt, there is always that other "perfect spot" for another camera. It is an addiction, and one that it is easy to catch.
Edward Scissorhorns |
Big Boy |
Send in your trail cam photo to r.miskosky@sportscene.ca and we'll post it here.
Just attach your name and date the photo was taken.
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Photos Robert Katerenchuk |
Photos Rob Miskosky |
Photos Rob Miskosky |
Photos Jeff Stone |
Photos Scott Johnson |
photos Quentin Fauth |
Photos Rob Miskosky |
Photos Robert Katerenchuk |
Photos Brian Whittaker |
Photos Reinhold Denzler |
Photos Craig Platz |
Photos Scott Cormier |
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