The tweet came from Animal Justice Canada, a group of lawyers that, according to their website, “lead the legal fight for animals in Canada. Our lawyers work to pass strong new animal protection legislation, push for the prosecution of animal abusers, and fight for animals in court.”
Led by animal-rights lawyer, Camille Labchuk, the tweet read as follows, Our lawyers are BACK in court today! We’re intervening in a case involving the removal of @peta’s anti-@canadagoose ads from #Toronto transit shelters. We’re arguing that it’s a constitutional right for advocates to expose cruel companies through public ads!
I guess the question I have is what makes Canada Goose a cruel company? The fact that they use ethically sourced, real coyote fur and goose down in their coats? Coats renowned worldwide for their warmth and comfort. Animals used that are population abundant and need management.
Animal Justice Canada are another of those animal-rights groups with a large “donate” button on their website, right under the image of a grizzly bear, of course. All intended to bilk money out of folks that believe they’re doing some good for animals, which of course, they aren’t.
A PETA demonstration against Canada Goose in Edmonton. |
Canada Goose has remained steadfast in their commitment to use real, sustainable products in their clothing. For this, they have become the number one target of groups like PETA and Animal Justice Canada, among others who contend that what you wear and eat should be their choice, not yours.
A recent PETA press release read, Coyotes trapped for Canada Goose’s fur trim can legally suffer with a broken leg, lacerations, or hemorrhages for up to 72 hours before trappers return—and this practice is consistent with the company’s trapping standards. PETA points out that trapped coyote mothers desperate to get back to their starving pups have tried to chew off their own legs to escape and that many trapped animals succumb to the elements, blood loss, infection, or attacks by predators before trappers return to kill them.
Let’s just say that all of the above is pure nonsense, much like the “trappers’ skin animals alive” nonsense that many people still believe because of the actions of animal-rights activists. Where are the lawyers demanding those “cruel” activists be exposed? Animal Justice Canada, what say you? Your people had an animal skinned alive!
There is evidence that many wildlife species, if left uncontrolled, will overpopulate and cause serious problems for themselves and other species including humans. Animal-rights activists know this as true but spew that the evidence has been contrived by hunters and wildlife managers who have a stake in maintaining high animal populations for hunters.
As well, the agriculture industry has been under attack from animal-rights activists for years, having to live with trespassers that release or steal their animals. Ontario is considering a bill that would help protect farmers from animal-rights activists, as the Canadian government should do, but will it have teeth to deal with the PETA’s and Camille Labchuk’s of the world.
According to a CBC News article dated September 21, 2019, Labchuk said, “What we’ve seen time and time again is that governments are friendly to farmers and willing to crack down and violate the civil liberties of animal advocates. It helps them hide the reality of what they do to animals.”
If you stare at the tiles on a floor long enough, you’ll always find something interesting to look at. Perhaps, even something to make you take up a cause. ■
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