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 with Rob Miskosky

Another Long Gun Registry

“How does Justin Trudeau try to stop gun violence in urban Canada? He goes after law-abiding gun owners in rural Canada,” wrote Todd Doherty, Member of Parliament for Cariboo-Prince George on his Twitter feed. Doherty then wrote, “Liberals just don’t get it,” before providing a link to a petition to “End the backdoor registry.”

After clicking the link (, you are taken to the Parliament of Canada, House of Commons E-Petition page where the petition details are laid out:


  • On April 29, 2022, the Liberal government introduced an order to introduce further restrictions witha ‘shadow registry’ on licensed firearms owners in Canada;
  • The previous gun registry cost tax payers over 1 billion dollars;
  • The Auditor General’s report found that the program did not collect data to analyze the effectiveness of the gun registry in meeting its stated goal of improving public safety. The performance report focuses on activities such as issuing licences and registering firearms. The Centre does not show how these activities help minimize risks to public safety with evidence-based
    outcomes such as reduced deaths, injuries and threats from firearms;
  • Providing personal information to private sellers can result in identity theft and fraud;
  • This will unfairly cost businesses countless dollars in wages and time to process; and
  • This unfairly targets Canadian firearms owners who are already among the most vetted in Canadian society, Possession and Acquisition License (PAL) and Restricted PAL (RPAL) holders are subject to daily screening and are statistically proven to be less likely to commit crimes than non-PAL and non-RPAL holders.

At the time of this writing, the E-Petition had nearly 9,000 signatures. The closing date for signatures is listed as August 10, 2022 at 11:51 a.m. (EDT) so... well, you know what to do.

Meanwhile, Liberal Minister for Public Safety, Marco Mendicino, continues to spew Liberal talking points about how they are tackling gun crime in urban centres—namely Toronto—by,
- Commonsense measures to stop crime.
- Fight illegal trafficking at the border. - Invest in our communities to tackle root                      causes.

And then Tracey Wilson of the Canadian Coalition for Firearms Rights (CCFR) responded, “You’ve literally done none of those things. You’ve introduced another failed long gun registry, banned legal guns from licenced owners, and reduced sentences for criminals committing gun crimes. Funding for communities and law enforcement hasn’t flowed.”

Which is true. Of course, Mendicino would have you believe otherwise, “We’re taking strong action. The Conservatives? On all these measures, they’re weak, weak, weak!”

And then, victim of gun violence, Evelyn Fox, who lost her 26-year-old son Kiesingar, a father of four, to a stray bullet in 2016 spoke up.

“Myself and others from the communities predominantly impacted have been screaming from the rafters for years. $250M promised the last six years that has not been filtered down, for all communities across CDA? $1B to ban guns not used in daily gun crime? Who’s weak?”

Fox is the founder of Communities for Zero Violence, “created by mothers whose children were victims of homicide in the City of Toronto.”

“Every level of government does not care about the people predominantly impacted by community violence, they would rather spend BILLIONS on banning firearms than to invest in communities across Canada,” spat Fox towards Mendicino.

But a Liberal is a Liberal is a Liberal where guns are concerned, and the attack against law-abiding Canadians continues.

Meanwhile in Alberta, Chief Firearms Officer Teri Bryant wrote to Mendicino, “In view of the magnitude of these changes, I call on you to immediately announce a moratorium on their introduction for at least one year to allow for an intensive period of consultation to help refine these processes or, preferably, abandon the entire project.”

Of course, her letter will fall on deaf ears, but at least we have a CFO in Alberta who, unlike the anti-gun Liberals, “gets it!”

Meanwhile, the Toronto Police Service has said that 85 percent of the city’s crime guns are arriving from the US; however, tackling that problem isn’t on Trudeau’s radar. Rather, it’s easier to go after Uncle George’s duck gun. ■

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