Welcome to Volume 4 of the Outdoorsmen Forum Digest.
The purpose of this Digest is to help keep Alberta's outdoorsmen and women up-to-date on issues and events as they happen in Alberta related to our outdoor pursuits. From breaking news to press releases from Sustainable Resource Development, Alberta's outdoor stakeholders, and special events, special deals and a regular forum update, we hope you enjoy the Outdoorsmen Forum Digest.
If you wish to be removed from our email list you can opt out at the bottom of this page but we hope you enjoy this digest and take the opportunity to stay further in touch with Alberta’s outdoor community.
Please take the time to visit our sponsor, the Sawridge Inns and Conference Centres, the official Inn of Alberta Outdoorsmen. Here you can find discounts that will help make your next hunting or fishing trip to Slave Lake, Fort McMurray or Peace River that much more affordable. Room rate savings are also extended to Alberta's hunters and anglers at their Edmonton South and Jasper locations.
Online fish quiz aims to attract more youth anglers
Free Special Walleye Licence available for youth through quiz
Youth ages 15 and under can win a Special Walleye Licence to catch and keep a limited number of walleye by taking this fun online quiz that tests their angling know-how and promotes curiosity about Alberta’s fish species.
The fish quiz is available at www.mywildalberta.com, and kids will be challenged with 10 questions on species identification, angling knowledge, safety and conservation. The quiz also has connections to the Alberta Science Curriculum for grades five, seven, eight and nine.
Those who score enough quiz points win a Special Walleye Licence to catch and keep three walleye from either Newell Lake (near Brooks) or Pigeon Lake (near Edmonton). Both lakes allow a limited walleye harvest through the Special Walleye Licence program.
Click the advertisement to the right for a direct link to the quiz.
Undersubscribed Special Fish Harvest Licences Still Available to Alberta Anglers
As of July 24, 2009 there are still several undersubscribed walleye licences available for purchase on both Pigeon and Newell Lakes.
On Newell Lake there were 189 Class A licences remaining allowing for the catching and keeping of two (2) walleye over 50 cm in total length, while Pigeon Lake still had 2346 Class C licences remaining for the catching and keeping of three (3) walleye under 43 cm in total length.
For more immediate information call toll-free in Alberta: 1-877-289-0999 or click on the image to the left to visit the page.
Undersubscribed Hunting Special Licences Go On Sale
August 20, 2009
It should be noted that this year the opportunity to purchase Undersubscribed Special Licences commences at an earlier date than seasons past. This year hunters can purchase Undersubscribed Special Licences beginning Thursday, August 20, 2009 at 8:15 AM, a full two weeks earlier than last year.
These licences
can be purchased online at www.albertarelm.com or by calling 1-900-451-3729 on the aforementioned date and time.
The list of
available Undersubscribed Special Licences will be provided to the public on August 17, 2009. This list will be viewable at www.mywildalberta.com. Click the image at right for further information.
Ducks Unlimited Canada Seeks Your Best Shot!
Your best shot may be all that’s needed, but Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) is giving Albertans a chance to win prizes in return for submitting up to 10 of the best nature photographs they snapped between July 2008 and September, 2009.
The province-wide nature photography contest celebrates the way Albertans take photographs to record and preserve the natural beauty of Alberta wildlife, waterfowl, wetlands and natural habitat. The photos can include people of all ages enjoying what these spaces offer.
For more information click the image at left.
Using the New "Online" Tagging System This Hunting Season
Starting this year, if you purchase a licence online at www.albertarelm.com that requires a tag(s) you must use an online paper tag. The online paper tags contain a unique 10 digit tag number. You are required to enter it when making your purchase. Tags are available at your local Fish and Wildlife office free of charge. Print your licence once your purchase is complete. You do not need to wait for a licence to be mailed or go to another location to pick it up.
Hunters who applied for a Special Licence in this year's draw
should have received two of the online paper tags in the envelope received containing their draw results for this season.
For more information regarding the use of online paper tags visit www.outdoorsmenforum.ca/showthread.php?t=34554
Alberta Outdoorsmen Magazine Announces the 2008 Alberta Hunters of the Year in the 2009 Alberta Guide to Hunting Regulations
Alberta Outdoorsmen Magazine is proud to present Alberta's 2008 Hunters of the Year. The three successful hunters can be seen on page 96 of the 2009 Alberta Guide to Hunting Regulations. Ray Cote (Elk), Jan J. Allen (Mule Deer) and Philip Friesen (White-tailed Deer) will all be recognized in the September issue of Alberta Outdoorsmen. At this time the winners will be presented with a cheque and copies of the 2009 Alberta Guide to Hunting Regulations and the September issue of Alberta Outdoorsmen.
Ray Cote ($250) |
Jan J. Allen ($500) |
Philip Friesen ($250) |
Ray Cote of Lloydminster, Alberta is our 2008 Alberta Elk Hunter of the Year. Ray’s awesome bull scored 387 0/8” and was taken out of WMU 234 near Edgerton. Ray wins $250 for his trophy and earns bragging rights around the campfire for 2009. |
Jan J. Allen of Pincher Creek, Alberta is our Mule Deer Champion and Alberta Hunter of the Year after taking home this incredible deer. Jan’s buck grosses 199 2/8” and nets a super 196 7/8”. Jan took his buck with archery tackle in WMU 110 near Pincher Creek. |
Philip Friesen of La Crete, Alberta is our 2008 Alberta White-tailed Deer Hunter of the Year. Philip took home this excellent buck in WMU 535 near High Level. Philip’s 6X6 buck grosses 193 6/8 and nets 184 3/8”.
Philip wins $250 for his 2008 whitetail. |
Outdoorsmen Forum members receive 10% Discounts on all merchandise (phone orders only).
Call 780-413-0331 and provide code AOF4 to receive your discount.
In The Crosshairs
At the AO Store
brought to you by
Outdoor Quest Television Show |
The Alberta Fish and Game Association 1908-2008 |
Click on the image below to visit the AO Store and then phone 780-413-0331 and provide code AOF4 |

AFGA Dream Hunt and Quad Raffles
The Alberta Fish and Game Association’s Wildlife Trust Fund celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2008 making it Alberta’s oldest land trust. With over 60 properties across the province, encompassing in excess 0of 34,000 acres, these properties are testament to the dedication of AFGA members across Alberta. The Wildlife Trust Fund relies on the generous donations of clubs and zones, and of course individual and corporate donors to purchase and maintain these properties. Additionally, it runs a number of fund raising initiatives each year, with the Dream Hunt and Quad raffles being two of the most important.
This year’s raffles included a trip for two lucky hunters to the Northwest Territories to hunt for caribou with Barry Taylors Arctic Safaris and a Polaris 400 Sportsman Quad from Cycle Works. Tickets for the raffles are $10 each and may be obtained through local Fish and Game clubs, by calling the AFGA Head Office at 780-437-2342 or on-line at www.afga.org.
All proceeds from the Dream Hunt and Quad Raffles go toward the purchase of critical habitat in Alberta. A complete list of Wildlife Trust Fund properties and the recreational opportunities that they afford can be found at www.afga.org.
Guinn Crousen is shown here with his World Record Bighorn Sheep (208 3/8) taken in 2000 on Luscar Mountain with the Minister's Special Bighorn Sheep Licence. |
Alberta Minister's Special Bighorn Sheep Licence
This permit is authorized to hunt the entire month of November and the first two weeks in December 2009. The rams are in the rut then and Sunday Hunting is permitted. The 2008
ram taken by Billy McClelland scored an impressive 199 (unofficial) and the 2007 ram shot by Denis Dale
scored 194+ (unofficial). These are representative of the rams that can be hunted in Alberta. Tickets are $10.00 each and there are 15,000 tickets printed.
The draw will take place on Friday August 21, 2009 at the Calgary Firearms Centre in DeWinton, Alberta.
Only Alberta residents are eligible to purchase these tickets. Click here for information on purchasing tickets.
Alberta Minister's Special Mule Deer Licence
Whether you head to the northern portion of the province to hunt the giants of the bush or the southern
prairies, Alberta has consistently produced some impressive mule deer and remains the home of the world
record non-typical mule deer taken by Ed Broder in 1926 with a SCORE OF 355 2/8 B&C. This permit is
authorized to hunt one antlered mule deer and is valid anywhere in Alberta during a general or special
licence antlered mule deer season, until December 31, 2009. Tickets are $10.00 each and there are 2,500 tickets printed.
The draw will take place on Friday August 21, 2009 at the Calgary Firearms Centre in DeWinton, Alberta.
Only Alberta residents are eligible to purchase these tickets. Click here for information on purchasing tickets.
Alberta Minister's Special Elk Licence
This permit is authorized to hunt one antlered elk, in accordance with all provisions of the Wildlife Act and
Wildlife Regulation. This special licence is valid anywhere in Alberta during a general elk season and a
special licence antlered elk draw season, until December 31, 2009 (except WMU’s 728 & 730 (Camp
Wainwright), WMU 624 (Cypress Hills Park) and WMU 936 archery only special licence draw
season). Alberta has produced some impressive elk across the
province and currently holds the # 1 Canadian record Pope & Young elk (Huppertz 402 5/8). Tickets are $10.00 each and there are 2,500 tickets printed.
The draw will take place on Friday August 21, 2009 at the Calgary Firearms Centre in DeWinton, Alberta.
Only Alberta residents are eligible to purchase these tickets. Click here for information on purchasing tickets.
Recreational Access Management Program (RAMP)
The Recreational Access Management Program (RAMP) is a pilot initiative developed by Alberta Sustainable Resource Development to facilitate public hunting and fishing access opportunities and manage wildlife habitat on privately-owned land in the southwestern corner of Alberta. 2009 will be the first year of the controversial program. For more information regarding RAMP visit
or download a pdf outlining the program at
Boating Licence Required By Law
As of September 15, 2009 all boaters will be required to have the Pleasure Craft Operator Card in order to operate a powered watercraft. There is no grandfather clause or age exemption – this law applies to all boaters. Powered watercraft includes watercraft fitted with any size motor – even a trolling motor.
Recreational boating is a favourite pastime in Canada with between seven and nine million people enjoying Canadian waterways each year. Sadly, not every boating excursion is a return trip: Over 200 boating fatalities occur each year along with an estimated 6,000 non-fatal accidents – most of them preventable.
You can get your Pleasure Craft Operator Card by taking an online exam at www.boaterexam.com/canada
 Don't Forget! Your Alberta Regulations
Are Online!
A single access point for Alberta's Hunting, Fishing and Trapping Regulations, as well as the Hunting Special Draws Booklet and Special Walleye Draws Brochure
can be accessed at www.albertaregulations.ca
And don't forget to sign up at www.mywildalberta.com to stay connected with Alberta's Hunting, Fishing and Trapping community.

For new subscribers only. Must provide code AOF4 at time of purchase.
Visa and MasterCard accepted.
Featuring Alberta's top outdoor writers with
TJ Schwanky, Neil Waugh, Brad Fenson, Don Meredith,
Duane Radford, JB Struthers, Claudio Ongaro, Brian Bildson,
Kevin Wilson, Bob Adams, Bob Scammell, Fred Noddin
Jeff Smith, Richard Mellon, Dr. Mark Boyce and Rob Miskosky. |
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For more details click the camera at left!
Visit Treebark Cameras website www.treebarkcameras.com |
Big, Bad Wolves! |
Farewell to Felt Soles |
Summer Suspension |
Bowhunting Blunders |
Rob Miskosky takes a look at the history of wolves and their management in Alberta. |
Neil Waugh looks at the use of felt-soled boots and how they may soon become illegal for use in Alberta. |
Fred Noddin takes a look at the effects of hot weather on fish and how to take advantage of it. |
Kevin Wilson examines the 10 most common bowhunting blunders and how to avoid them. |